Lonely At The Top

Need A Comrade


Are you a newly appointed Executive and you feel like a deer in headlamps?

Stepping into a leadership role can feel overwhelming.
You know there is a tonne to do, but where do you start?

The pressure to make the correct moves can be intense, and every decision feels like the most important one.

Knowing what to do is great.
Knowing what not to do is even better.

Just as programmers have rubber ducks to talk through their problems, executives need a fresh pair of eyes and ears.

They need someone outside of the company to:

  • Bounce ideas off of
  • Ask for advice
  • Confirm decisions
  • Challenge assumptions
  • Be a trusted sounding board
  • Be a comrade

Whatever your walk of life, I would like to help you.
You do not have to figure it all out alone.
I am here to be your executive "rubber duck" :)

Feel free to connect with me and schedule a chat to learn more about how I and my fellow Agents can help you!